IH.1 짧은 문장으로 IH로 받기
1. I would like to know where you live. What does your place look like.
How many rooms do you have? Describe your place in detail.
Wow Ava. That is a good question for me. , I like showing off my place whenever I can. I live in a 3 bedroom apartment with my family. you know.. My favorite room is my bedroom. I am using my bedroom as a study. My study has a huge book shelf, a big desk and a excellent desktop and a comfortable bed as well.
The reason why I like my study the most is that I can wind down and relax in the study. Relaxing in there makes me feel so comfortable, I felt cozy, my stress is relived. I can do everything in my study. you know.. I can watch movies and play a PC game with my excellent desktop computer. Oh, It's a perfect place in my house. Whenever I try to concentrate on something my study is the best place in my house,
You know, overall.. I love~ my own bedroom so ~ much.
MP: 우리집에서 난 서재가 젤 좋아
방 3개 있는 아파트- 그 중 서재를 가장 좋아해, 서재에는 머머 있어, 눕고 쉴수 있어- 서재는 뭐든 할 수 있어,
IH2. 자기 소개를 안해도 IH/AL 가능한가요?
1) My Introduction
AVA, Nice to meet to you. This is 길동 from Tesla, ( I go by Jay) You can call me Jay. I have been working at Tesla for 5 years. My job is an artifical intellgence reseracher and I am developing a robot for Tesla. What I want to tell about myself is ... I absolutly love coffee. I can't get enough of it. You know, when I wake up, I drink some coffee. Just before this test, I drink some coffee And right After the test I'm sure you can guess what I will do. I am a coffee enthusiast. I am totally addicted to coffee. That is all you need to know about me.
본문에서 할 말 없을때.. 자기 소개를 써먹을 수 있다.
Well, you know I already told you that I love coffee in my introduction. and you see.. Hotels this country we really focus on the quality of the coffee.
IH.3 질문 이해 못했을땐 스킵해도 될까?
과감히 스킵한다.
IH.4 직접화법 사용하면 오픽 AL은 내꼬얌 - Direct Qutation.
1) Description 2) Past Experience 3) Habit 4) Comparison
그중 Past Experience
Main point, Fillers / feelings / Free Style / Conclusion
Q) Tell me what recycling was like when you were a child.
- was there a particular place to which you took out the recycables
- describe what is was like and what you did.
MP: When I was a child, I would have to say that recycling was quite oragnized. Al least in my home anyway
A) Umm.. That is pretty interesting. When I was a child.. I don't know I don't remember much at all.. you know... I would have to say that recycling was quite well-organized in my home at least.
I remember my mother taught me about how to recycle...
Whenever I tried to recycle, she told me, " Smith, make sure to sperate everthing". Not before long, the responsibility of recycling became mine. Back then, I was a little bit annoyed, you know, I was so embrassed at times, but I had no choice. Anyway I learned how to sperate the cans, paper, glass, and plastics and put them in their right bin for mother.
IH 5) I skipped a this chapter.
IH 6) Roll play 1탄
1) In person 2) over the phone 3) Answering Machine
11번에서는 3개만 물어봐라
Question) I'd like to give you a siutation to act it out. You would like to buy a new cellphone. Call a store and ask 3 or 4 questions about a new phone you would like to purchase.
Answer) Hi, My Phone brokes, I want to buy a new cell-phone here,
How much is the most popular new cell phone like Galaxy-22 or I-phone 14?
Wow, It is as expensive as I thought
What color cell phone do you cell?
I want to buy pink one.
Do you require a contract for service?
Do you have any other additional terms for the agreement?
Thanks. I will contact you if I decide to buy.
1st Step: Briefly explain your situation
I want to buy a new phone like iPhone-X
2nd Step: Ask your first question
How much is it?
3rd Step: Repeat the response
Oh, that cheap,, thank you.
4th Step: Ask two more questions and repeat steps 1,2, and 3
So, do you have, pick one? Oh nice! You have pink one.
IH 7) Role play 2탄
- Explain the problem
- Ask the 1st question to resolve the problem
1) Response = No!
2) Why not?
3) Repeat the response
4) Feeling
- Ask the 2nd Question the resolve the problem
1) Response = YES!
2) repeat the response
3) feeling
Question) You have received the new phone but the features are not what you expected. you would like to return it to get a new phone. call the store explain the situation and make arrangement to get a new product.
Answer) Hello.
I bought a new galaxy phone 22 last week but I received (got) it in blue.
I really don't like blue so I want to change the blue one to a white one.
Would it be possible that you send me the white one that I originally ordered?
you can't? Why not? OMG, is it sold out?! That sucks.
If so, would you be able to get a refund, please?
you could? Ok, I'd like a refund please. thanks bye.
IH 8) 날씨 콤보
- 이 문제는 비교
- We have a serious fine dust problem
- How am I supposed to live with this much fine dust?
- 3 years ago, it wasn't like that
- We didn't have to worry about air quality.
- without having to wear a mask.
- I don't know if that will be get better or not.
Q) How has the weather in your country changed over the years?
- What was the weather like when your were a child?
- How different is it now?
A) Weather in Korea? I think that would be a good question, today.
I mean, today is a sunny day but it has a fine dust in the air. As soon as I woke up, I turned on the TV news program. It said today's weather (will be) a sunny day but we have a serious fine dust problem. When I woke up and look out the window in the morning what weather will be, I felt very happy. However, my feelings have changed from happiness to sadness when I watched the new program.
About 5~6 years ago, We hadn't noticed about fine dust problem in Korea. I mean, it wasn't like today's weather. I think Korea's weather has changed a lot in the past for 5~6 years. Even though I know why the fine dust problem happens, I couldn't say at this time because of politic issues with China.
Anyway, even though we have a fine dust in the air, we have to go outside. If I stand outside in this kind of weather, I could feel the find dust accumulating in my lungs. Can you Imagine? That would be just awful.
Nowdays, fine dust problem is the most serious weather problem in Korea.
I think that is the biggest difference beteween when I was young and now.
IH의 경우
1) Her message is actually clear.
2) She is able to talk constantly
AL의 경우
1) Honesty is the best policy
2) Past Experience have a very clear MO right from the beginning.
3) 솔직함은 나중에
I never really experienced anything all that crazy about weather but I hope this experience is good enough for what you just asked me,
4) MP는 무엇을 말할 것이냐? 좋은지 나쁜지 20초
5) 계절은 During the summer 6) in a day -> in single day
6) what am I trying to say, anyway + restart
7) Weather in melbourne, condition 제품 설명할때, 몸상태도 쓰면 안됨 I am not good feeling that right now.
8) weather in Melbourne is constantly fluctuating.
9) Past Experience 시제 중요, Direct Quatation.
10) I would have to say .. 구체적인 말, 제너럴 안됨
Severe weather conditions can do a lot of damage.
Tell me about an experidence you had related to severe weather conditions. Perhaps a city was floolded, or maybe businesses or schools closed due to heavy snow.
What was the problem? How did you with that situation?
MP 20 seconds
Constant Speaking
Filler combos
Feeling focused, interesting, blast(재미있었어), epic (대박이야), unbelieveably amazing.
Some feeling workds
No Korean
No rigid English
No script
Guess what ? 리스너가 예상 못할때 쓰는 말
you name it 그밖에 모든지, 뒤에 리스트가 있어야 함.
Tell me about the weather in your country
- Are there different seasons?
- What is the weather like in each season?
IM11) OPIC은 Communication Skill 이다.
1) Actually, when it comes to 는 문장 중간에 쓴다
Q) What new elecotronic gadgets or equipment are people,
who like music, interested in these days?
- What are they talking about?
- What new products excite them and why?
A) Well, electronic gadget?
Most people use a smart- phone to listen to a music these days. I think that is just so convenient for using it. I mean, what I am trying to say... is that we could listen to a music whenever we are on the move and whenever we feel like it. you know what?, there are l lot of music applications in the world like youtube music, spotify etc. we can get access to the application whenerever (you) feel like it. These are super easy processes to listen to a music. The applications make me feel conveient. Morever, if you need to find what you like any kind of songs, you can easily find the songs. I think this is (an) additional advantage when we are using a smart phone. Acutually, I havn't thought about this topic before, and um.. I tried to explain what I thought.... you know..
Anyway, I think smart phone give us more convenience to listen to music.
IM 12) silence is poison.
Filer combinations and um... you know
And so / and um / and um, you know / and um, so
You must be one-topic focused, Must make your message clear.
Q) What is a normal routine at home?
What kind of things do you do on weekdyas and weekends?
A) Well, normal routine, alright.
Acutally, I am rarely at home because I am very busy with work. I am a AI researcher... What I am trying to say... I don't even have time to stay at home a weekday. I try to do a lot of things on the weekend. For example,
On saturday mornings, I enjoy playing a tennis with my friends. I (take) a private lesson with teacher who was a professional tennis player. After my lessons, my friend and I practice a tennis.
It is a normal routine for me, it makes me feel so enerzied and um.. dynamic. After practicing tennis, I usually get into the office to do work I couldn't do during the weekdays. And um. on saturday evenings, I enjoy eating delicious foods and wine with my wife.
I would say this is my favorite moment during the weekend. On sunday, I usually go to the tennis court to play tennis. that is not free but I can pay for my own pleasure. After tennis game, I usually enjoy spending time with my family like going to shopping, watching a movie at a theater, hiking up a mountain near my house.
I never played a tennis a lot. but nowdays I love playing tennis. I feel so epic whenever I play a tennis. I mean, Every time I play tennis I feel alive.
Anyway, I have to do a lot of things on the weekend.
IH 13)
MP가 가장 중요하다.
In these days -> these days.
grab some coffee-> 대화 할때 자연스럽다. Let's go grab some coffe
I also do the same. They go for the sma reasons I do. I'm gonna go grab some coffee. want some?
천천히 말하는 사람은 short cut 어색
Yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say: Conclusion. 에 자주 사용해라.
Q) Cafes and coffe houses today are often more than just places that serve coffee.
- They serve as mobile offices or even as meeting places
- How has the role of cafes changed over the year.
IH 14) How to control the question?
Housing, coffee shop, music.
돌발을 Control Singularity. 해야함
3가지 주제는 완벽하게 연습, 이거 안함녀 준비가 안 되어 있음
1) I think people of different age groups stream music differently using the internet
2) I think people of different age groups use the internet differently whenever they're at a coffee shop
How does internet usage vary among people of different age groups?
How do they use the internet differently? Please discuss this matter in more detail.
IH15) 한국말 연습해
IH16) Past experience - Indirect Quotation.
Direct Quotation: 과거시제 + "현재 시제"
I was like " Holy cow! this coffee is the best ever"
Indirect Quotation: 직접화법
과거 시제
I though to myself that this was the best coffee ever.
I) My brother always told me to tie my shoelaces
D) My brother always was like, " sam, tie your shoelaces"
IH17) Role play 3탄
11번 어떤 주어진 상황에 누군가와 대화를 하는 것
12번 어떤 일을 했는데, 복잡한 일이 생겨서 그일을 해결하는 것
13번 12번과 비슷한 경험
1) 어떤 문제가 있었는지 내가 어떻게 느꼈는지 왜 그렇게 느꼈는지
2) 설명
낮은 설명: direct quotation 직접화법
높은 레벨: indirect quotation 간접화법
결론: 문제 해결 방법 보여주기
Q) That's the end of the situation. Have you ever bought a piece of technology which was not what you wanted or different from what you had expected? was the feature not what you had in mind or was it simply a faulty product? Tell me about a time when you bought some new technology.
IH18) MP가 중요
MP 20 seconds, 감정, 이유
Tell me about first trip to another country.
First trip.. When I was 20 years old, I mean, as soon as I went to the university, I traveled to the Tailand on summer vacation. I think I was scared or nervous because that was my first International trip.
What am I trying to say is I kept check if I had a my passport.. I had a Thai money (Baht).. or something like that. I remember I was nervous even during immigration check.
When I got to into Bankok, Thailand, the weather was so hot so I want to get to the hotel as soon as possible. However, I could not take a taxi because I didn't have enough money. You know what? "tuktuk, Their Taliland traditional taxi was so cheap, so I decided to take a tuktuk to get to the hotel. I was nervous again you know It was also my first time in one. what I am trying to say is .. In my mind, I was thinking " what if I get lost?" ( I thought to myself what if I got lost) Contrary to my worries, I arrived safely at the hotel.
I remmember I slept well that night. It was my first trip that I can tell you about.
Tense agreement is very important
IH19) 왜가 약하면 안된다.
Habit (genral MP) 완전히 다 설명할 필요 없다.
무엇을 말할건지 (what), 어떻게 느끼는지 (how), 왜 느끼는지 (why)
I am trying to find~ I always try to find~
I am such a foodie.
I like to experience different culture though the foods.
Quick Comparison 이 매우 중요
In the past, I never do it before, but these days, I love so much looking forward foosds with new flavor.
What? 나는 우리 집이 좋다 ( I love my home)
Why? 왜냐면 엄청 커서 ( because it is so big)
So what? 친구들 집에 데리고 오면 공간에에 대해 전혀 걱정하지 않는다
Whenever I bring my friends over, I never worry about space.
Why? 약간 개인 카페나 바 같다. 원하는 시끄럽게 할 수도 있고 심지어 누울 수도 있다. It is kind of like prviate cafe or bar. We can be as loud as we want, and even lie down if we want.
Talk about things when you typiocally do when you visit another country oversea city (Habit)
IH 20)
Past experience 10개 연습 뭐냐 감정 이유
1) What am I talking about
2) How do I feel
3) Why do I feel that way
Embrassed: 창피하다. 쪽팔리다. 부끄럽다.
Shocked: 당황스럽다
Bar Experience
IH 21) 99/1 Strategy
Mechanic : 정비사
Because of my own laziness...
I was freaked out~!
Punctual man
I end up blaming the train...
다른 무엇인가를 탓하고 싶었다. I wanted to point fingers somethings else...
99/1 부정적인거 이야기 하다가 긍정적인거 이야기
Tell me about a tranportation experience problem that you once faced
(Past Experienc)
IH 22) 질문 콘트롤을 잘 해야 한다.
날씨 여러가지 물어 보고 있다. Weather, seasons, weather in each seasons, your favorite seasons. tell me everything -> I will tell you things.
질문을 콘트롤 하는 단어
1) I think
2) As you may already know
3) I guess
4) Of course.
5) Especially.
6) Just because.
7) To be honest
8) I don't really know, I don't know why?
9) Anyway,
Why transition strategy.!!
IH 23) Repetition 전략
1) Rhetoricla Question (수사 의문 혹은 반문)
Do you know what better than starbucks?
Free starbucks
2) 간단한 설명
And it makes me sticky, right?
I don't know why, but whenever it rains, the weather gets so nasty. it makes me so sticky.
Star bucks coffe tastes so good.
I don't know why but there is something special about their coffee. It just taste so good.
IH 24)
I am a perver.
There are legs for days (아무데나 다있어)
첫인상을 재미 있게 남겨 볼까?
머리가 하얘질때?
I'am blanking out, I am having a brain fart.
지금 있는 곳에 대해서 말해 보세요.
This monitor's so bright I am losing my train of thought.
It's highly distracting.
IH 25) 재활용
1. Habit (사람) 사람 -> 나
We recycle quite well here, but you know what? for me?
I throw away a lot of boxes.
2. Habit (니)
같은 질문이 나오면 스킵해라
3. Past Experience
Q) I'd like to know about how recycling is practiced in your country. What do people do in your country? Tell me how things are recycled. ( Description)
A) I think (the) recycling system in Korea is well-organized. I would say Recycling is mandatory. Most people follow the rule about recycling. I think that is so great. The rules are very simple, even kids can recycle in Korea. What I am trying to say is that We in Korea have to separate all trash. In my case, Every Tuesday is recycling day . Until that day, I just gather all kind of garbages in our place separately. If the recycling starts on tuesday, I have to separate our garbage into can, plastics, papers, glass and regular garbage that is not possible to recycle and um we just have to throw away to each bin. It is just rule about the recycling system in Korea
I think that is very simple rule, we don't even remember exact day for taking away trash like Japan for example, monday for can, tuesday for paper etc.
Anyway, I think that recycling in Korea is practiced well and simple.
Q) Tell me about how you personally recycle
As I mention before, I have to recyle on every tuesday. you know. but I really hate wating recycling day with so various kind of trash in my place. which means there is too much garbage in the house for a week.
Can you imagine?, I am living a 3 bedroom apartment with my wife and daughter. How much trash will we make in a week? I think the problem become so serious because of Covid-19. you know what? we use a lot of delivery service, the delivery foods make various kind of trash.
Anyway, I usually try to take a away all kind of trash just on tuesday at once but there is too much garbage to take away at once. So I usually use a cart whenever I recycle.
What I want to say .. I wish recycling days were twice a week..
burnable: paper
unburnable: plastic
IH 26) 교통
I have a terrible experience related to a car accident.
My mom was driving me to school
My mon was taking to school by the car.
on my way to school~!
some crazy dude crashed into us
It was scary
car were going so fast.
we nearly pissed our pants.
We nearly died.
Tell me about incident that you experienced in transporation.
다른 OPIC에 관련 된 글