오픽 공부하는 법을 좀 더 디테일하게 예제 위주로 적어 본다.
1. 일경험 없음
2. 학생아님
3. 수강후 5년 지남
4. 개인 주택이나 아파트에 홀로 거주
5. 총 12개
영화보기, 공원 가기, 쇼핑하기, 까페/커피 전문점, 술집/바 가기 (5개)
1. (총 1개) 음악감상
2. (총 3개) 신체 운동을 즐기지 않음, 조깅, 걷기
3. (총 3개) 국내 여행, 해외 여행가기, 집에서 혼자 보내는 휴가
OPIC Nojam Tip
5-5 일 경우, 4-7-10-12-13-14-15 가 Advanced Question
6-6 일 경우, 3-4-6-7-9-10-12-13-14-15 Advanced Question
(6-6 난이도 체크 필요)
1) Description
- MP: 1) 좋은지 싫은지 2) 왜?
2) Habit
- MP: General MP 밑에가 전부 예제이다
a) No matter what (Well, here's the thing) whenever I go to the bank (cafe, pub), I always make sure to bring my books.
b) Every time I go to the bank. I always check to see if I have my airpoids with me.
c) I'll tell you what. At the cafe, I take out airpot, books,
말이 짧으면, Quick comparison. 되게 중요!
ex) I'll tell you what. at the bank, I take out my airpods. This is crucial because you know, whenever I'm at the bank you know the waitiong time can be quite long. (is just so long)
And so, whenever I'm listening to music. it really helps me to kill time
But you se, in the past, I never did that before.
So the waiting time was just so long. But now, you know, the problem is completely solved. Whenever I go to the bank... I sometimes want the wating time to be longer because I really enjoy my music.
3) Past Experience
- Direct Quotation
I was like, " Holy Cow! This coffee is the best ever"
My brother was always like, "Sam, tie your shoelaces"
- Indirect Quotation
I thougth to my self that this was the best coffee ever.
He always told me to tie my shoelaces.
4) Comparison
초초반: 답변을 시작하는 부분, 자연스러운 반응, 질문을 한가지로 좁히기
MP: 현재에 집중한 MP
과거에 대해서 이야기
다시 현재로 돌아옴
1) Introduction
(이름 / 영어이름)
Hi I am Revi but you can call me DJ
My girlfriend gave me this nickname when we started dating.
And um.. My job is an SW Engineer. My specific target is to develope a new semiconductor solution
My job is so great and makes me feel like I' am an iron man.
I mean, Iron man can make a creative things all the time.
(좋아하는 것)
What I want to say is that I really love drinking coffee, alcohol and playing tennis most days. These hobbies give me so much energy that I feel alive when I am doing them. I feel the world is so beautiful whenever I am enjoying it.
I would have to say, drinking coffee, wine and playing tennis is good hobbies for me. If you want to know about me more, feel free to ask me anytime.
Cafe (Description)
You indicated that you go to coffee shops. Tell me about the cafes or coffee houses in your community.
MP: 나의 페이보릿 까페, 집 가까이 있는 스타벅스
내 페이보릿 까페에 대해서 말해 줄게 - 그건 집 가까이 있는 스타벅스야 - 5분 걸려 - 그래서 매일 가 - 너무 가까워서 편해 - 그게 내가 좋아 하는 이유야 - 근데 좀 노이지 해 - 많은 사람들이 책 읽거나 공부를 해 - 나는 이해가 잘 안돼 - 난 조용한 곳을 더 좋아 하거든 - 어쨋든 난 스타벅스 치즈 케익과 아메리카노 먹는 걸 좋아해 - 그거 먹으면 대게 행복해져 - 결론적으로 나는 이 까페를 너무 사랑해 ( I love this cafe so much)
Cafe (Past Experience)
Tell me about memorable incident that happend at a coffee shop.
What happend? Who was involved? How did you deal with the situation?
(MP) 옛날 여자 친구 만남
음.. 내가 웃긴 이야기 하나 해 줄게 - 날이 좋던 어느날 집 근처에 있는 스타 벅스에 갔어
코너 테이블에 어떤 낯익은 여자가 커피를 마시고 있는거야 ( I saw a woman with a familiar face sipping on a cup of coffee at the corner table) OMG, 그 여자는 바로 옛날 여자 친구였어.
그녀는 여전히 예뻣고 멋졌어 (pretty and nice). 말을 걸고 싶었어.
그래서 그녀 곁으로 다가 갔고 (I walked closer to her), I was like, "Are you Anna", 오해 하지 마라 (Don't get me wrong) Her English name is Anna.
She was like "Oh, Derek, long time no see"
But it was very akward. 더 말하고 싶었지만 , 곧 내 와이프가 들어왔다.
( I wanted to say more, but my wife came in)
난 그냥 커피를 시켰고, 와이프와 함께 다른 테이블에서 마셨다.
그런데, 되게 웃긴 경험이긴 하다.
Cafe (Past Experience)
Tell me about first cafe you went to
MP: 고등학교 때 르네상스
Alright.. I am telling you about my first cafe.. 재미있었으면 좋겠다. (I hope you enjoyed it). 고등학교 때 친구들과 자주 학교를 마치고 시내에 있는 까페에 갔다.
그 까페는 음악을 신청하면 틀어 주는 곳이었다. (It was a place where you could request music to be played).
가끔은 조용한 재즈가 흘렀고, 가끔은 시끄러운 메탈이 흘렀다.
(Sometimes there was quite jazz and sometimes lould metal)
아주 아름다운 DJ 누나가 있었고, 우리에게 항상 웃어줬다.
(There was a very beautiful DJ sister and she was always simling at us.)
그곳에 갈때 마다, 나는 커피와 재즈, 메탈 과 같은 음악을 같이 즐겼다.
너무 즐거울 때는, DJ 누나에게 소리쳤다. ( When I was haveing so much fun, I yelled at DJ sister)
I was like " DJ Sister, I really really love this cafe"
나는 그곳을 정말 좋아했다. From then on, 음악은 내 취미 중 하나가 되었다.
I am not sure.
enjoy drinking coffee, coffee tasted good.
enjoy (Activity)
Cafe (Habit)
What do you normally do when you go to coffee shops? Do you have meetings or gatherings there? Tell me what you like to do
Well. let me make this simple for you.
Here's the things.
Every time I go to the cafe. I always check to see if I have books with me.
(I will tell you what, At the cafe, I take out book(ㅋ)s.)
This is very crucial because reading a book is one of my hobbies.
I really love reading a book at the cafe.
I like white noise at the cafe as well, I mean, the sound of chatting, keyboard sounds, somtimes quiet jazz music always playing. I would say.. The atomosphere is perfect for reading a book. This is why I take out the books to cafe.
In the past, I never read a book at the cafe. I thought cafe is too noisy. But these days. I like reading a book at the cafe and l love noisy atmosphere.
I thinks my chracteristic has changed a lot...and it is because I am getting older.
Could you understand me? AVA.
Now, I am at the age where I am missing people's energy.
That is why I always read a book at the cafe.
Cafe (Comparison)
How have coffee shops changed over the years? How were they in the past, and how are they now? Is there anything special about them today?
(도입) 와우 이거 좀 어렵네
(현재) 요즘 까페는 이용하기 매우 쉽다. 내가 말하고 싶은게 머냐면, 우리는 오프라인 매장을 이용할 수 있다. 유노 우리는 커피를 시켜서, 매장 안에서 먹을 수 있다. (drink it int in the store). 그리고, 우리가 가지고 가기를 원한다면, 투고 서비스도 가능하다. 더욱 편리 해 진 것은 배달 앱을 이용할 수 있다. ( And what has become more convenient is that I can use a delivery app).
(과거) Back in the day, tea or coffe was only avaiable in cafes.
There were no to-go service, delievery service. It was very inconvenient.
We always had to go to a cafe for coffee.
(현재) Now, we can easily enjoy drinking coffee, tea, dessert whenever I want to drink or eat.
I am now able to enjoy drinking coffe even at home that seems to be sold at a cafe. It seems that the cafe contiues to think about its business model. Additionally smart phone has changed the way we live.
(결론) Anyway. Now is a good time to live
Bar (Description)
You indicated that you go to bars. Describe what bars you like to go to often. What does it look like? Give me a description with lots of details.
자 음 - 내가 제일 좋아하는 바에 대해서 말해 줄게 - 마이 페이 보릿 바는 생활 맥주 인데 집앞에 있어 - 5분 밖에 안걸려 - 그래서 난 보통 걸어가 - 그 바는 정말 멋져 - 근데 매우 시끄러워서 - 가끔 손님들 때문에 화가나 - 하지만 많은 딜리셔스 메뉴랑 맥주가 있어 - 난 특히 페일에일이랑 치킨 좋아해 - 그리고 부엌이 오픈 되어 있어 - 안에서 밖을 쉽게 볼 수 있어 - 신뢰가 가는 구조이다 ( The store is a trustworthy structure) - 내가 말하고 싶은게 머냐면 - 우리가 요리하는 것을 볼 수가 있어 믿음이 가는 바이다. - 우리가 요리하는 것을 직접 볼 수 있어 요리를 믿고 먹을 수 있다
( I can see their cooking, so I belive in the food and eat it)
어쨋든, 내가 가장 좋아하는 바는 집 근처에 있는 생활 맥주 이다.
we can see the staff preparing in the food.
Bar (Habit)
What do you usally do at the bar? Whom do you usually go with? What menu do you like to order? What kind of food do they serve there?
어쨋든, 나는 바에 갈때 마다 에어팟을 가지고 간다. 이것은 매우 중요하다. 왜냐면 내가 자주 가는 바는 매우 시끄럽기 때문이다.
( The bar I am often going to has loud music)
내가 음악을 들을 때 마다 조용하게 있도록 돕는다 (And so, whenever I'm listening to music. The airpods really helps me to be quiet. I feel relaxed when I have music at the bar.). 나는 정말 조용한 분위기에서 혼자 술마시는 것을 좋아한다. (I like to drink alone in a really quiet atmosphere)
전에는 안그랬는데, So 나는 친구들과 시끄러운 분위기에서 친구들과 술을마셨다.
그러나 나도 늙어 가는 것 같다 (But I guess I'm getting old, too)
혼자 조용히 술마시는 것 이 좋다.어쨋든, 에어팟만 있으면 혼자 술마시는 것이 심심하지 않다. (As long as I have airpods, I won't be bored drinking alone)
Bar (Past Experience)
Please tell me about one memorable experience you had at the bar. What happened? How did you deal with it? Why it so memorable?
Ok. Let me be real with you. Like, wow, this is a huge question.
지난 주말에 친구들이랑 바에 갔었다. 그 바에에서 웃긴 일이 있었다. 이런 Let me put it this way. The day didn't start off well. 바에 도착하자마자 우리는 매우 놀랐다. 바가 풀이었고, 많은 사람들이 줄을 서서 기다렸다. 한 시간을 기다려야만 했다.
When I arrived bar, I was very suprised. Because bar was full and a lot of people were waiting outside. We had to wait for an hour. 겨울이라서 너무 추웠다. (여름이라서 너무 더웠다). 가게 안으로 들어가자마자 우리는 술마시기 시작했다. 그러다 한 친구가 술에 취하게 되었다. (Then one of my friends got drunk) 아마 추워서 따뜻해지기 위해 많이 마신 것 같다. (He probably drank more because it was cold). He was like " Derek, I feel sick and I think I'm going to throw up". As soon as he said to me, he threw up on the floor.
그 상황은 나를 당황스럽게 만들었다 (I was terribly embrassed by the situation) 그것은 내 인생 최악의 경험이었다 (It was the worst exprience of my life). 가장 기억에 남는 경험이었다.
There is too long line.
It was a during the winter season.
Bar (Comparison)
How have pubs changed over the years? How were thety in the past? and How are they now? What are the difference and the similarities?
(도입) 나는 쉽게 대답할 수 있다. (I can answer this so easily).
(현재) Pubs these days seems to be reborn. Many people goes to them. Almost all bars are full. They are not quiet empty. I mean, I seems that the corona pandemic is over.
(과거) Back in the day, because of C-19, Pubs were a ghost town. Nobody didn't go to them. They were quiet empty. So we enjoyed home party.
Back then, we were afraid of getting corona. There were so many policies and rules to follow. Not many people really went to anymore.
(현재) These days, pubs are packed full of vibrant, energetic, drunk people.
Just the scene I love... The vibe that I truly adore....
And it is a whole lot of fun... Alchol, booze, liquor... they are all the same
Anyway, pubs these days seem to be reborn.
We can enyjoy vibe at the pubs with alchol, people..
That's my take on pubs. I think C-19 has changed a lot about pubs...
Pub/Bars ( Comparison)
Talk about what you do before getting together with your friends at the pubs. What do you normally do when you have gatherings at pubs?
Pub에 가기전에? 제일 처음으로 하는 것은 보통 핸드폰을 이용해서 온라인 검색을 해 ( search online) using mobile phone by an application which is called "캐치 테이블". 이것은 매우 편리해, 무슨 말이냐면 (What I mean is) 나는 검색할 수 있어 Whenever I am on the move, whenever I feel like it.
Anyway, afterthat 나는 내가 찾은 펍으로 걸어서가. 보통 가까운 곳을 찾거든, 보통 20분 정도 걸리는 거리에 있는 펍을 찾아 ( I look for a place nearby, but I look for a pub that is 20 min away on foot) 멀리 갈 필요 필요가 없어 내 시간을 절약할 수 있어 (I don't need to go far away which can save my time) 아마 그곳은 근사한 곳일거야 (Maybe it is nice place). I mean the app is good tool to find decent place. 가까운 레스토랑을 찾기 편하다.
of course, I can enjoy drinking alchol, during which I concentrate on drinking alchol to enjoy fully. I can say that I am type of person. who originally tends to concentrate when I do something. To the point, I don't recognize whene someone talk to me, I would say that's my character and so I am also like that when I enjoy pub anyway pub is really fun every time. In conclusion, all the pubs I found on the app were good.
Pub (Past Experience)
Tell me about the first bar you went to.
Alright.. I am telling you about my first bar.. 재미있었으면 좋겠다. (I hope you enjoyed it). 대학교 때 친구들과 자주 학교를 마치고 시내에 있는 바에 갔다.
그 까페는 음악을 신청하면 틀어 주는 곳이었다. (It was a place where I could request music to be played).
가끔은 조용한 재즈가 흘렀고, 가끔은 시끄러운 메탈이 흘렀다.
(Sometimes there was quite jazz and sometimes lould metal)
아주 아름다운 DJ 누나가 있었고, 우리에게 항상 웃어줬다.
(There was a very beautiful DJ sister and she was always simling at us.)
그곳에 갈때 마다, 나는 소주, beer와 재즈, 메탈 과 같은 음악을 같이 즐겼다.
너무 즐거울 때는, DJ 누나에게 소리쳤다. ( When I was haveing so much fun, I yelled at DJ sister)
I was like " DJ Sister, I really really love this cafe"
나는 그곳을 정말 좋아했다. From then on, 음악은 내 취미 중 하나가 되었다.
그리고 요즘도 가끔 그때 생각이 난다
(Even today, I sometimes think of that time)
Movie (Description)
Q) What is your favorite genre of movies? Why do you like those movies?
(도입) Well, let me make this very simple for you.
I am not that picky with movies. I just watch whatever is fun that point of time.
I Just watch movies that top the charts. If I have to choose one genre,
My favorite genre is Action movies. Especially, I like watching the Marvel Hero Movie the most. 마블 히어로 무비 볼때 마다, 스트레스를 날려 버릴 수 있다.
가끔 나는 아이언맨이 되는 상상을 하기도 하고, 캡틴 아메리카가 되는 상상을 하기도 한다.
(I sometimes think of being iron man and sometimes I imagine being CA)
Whenever I image being a hero, I feel like I can do everythings.
Anyway, I just watch whatever is fun when it comes to movies. but Marvel movies are the best of them all.
스크립트 없이 한국어로 말을 잘 생각해본 뒤에 영어 표현을 적절히 떠올리는 연습을 하는 것이 AL로 가는 최고의 지름길이 아닐까 생각 해 본다.
이 글이 조금이라도 도움이 되셨다면, 광고, 구독 한번 부탁 드립니다!
