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달리기 서브 3 도전 페이스 계산표 기안 84의 마라톤 도전 이후 달리기가 많은 국민들의 관심사이다. 그리고, 좀 달린다는 사람들은 서브3을 목표로 다들 열심히 훈련 중인 것으로 안다. 오늘은 페이스에 대해서 좀 알아 보려고 한다. 지금 공유하는 표를 머리 속에 넣으면 자기가 어느 수준이고, 어느 정도 목표를 가지고 페이스를 올려 갈지 이해 할 수 있다. 페이스 (1km) Full Half 10km 5km 스레드밀 (km/h) 비고 4분 2시간 49분 1시간 24분 40분 20분 15km/h 4분 16초 3시간 1시간 30분 43분 21분 13.9km/h 서브 3 4분 30초 3시간 10분 1시간 35분 45분 23분 13.3km/h 5분 3시간 31분 1시간 45분 50분 25분 12km/h 5분 30초 3시간 52분 1시간 56분 55..
'23-11-06 Group That Heal I have various social gatherings in my life. All the people there are important to me, but there are a few who especially brighten up my day when I meet them Our kids are around the same age, so we do meet together sometimes. But now days, we mainly spend time just among us, and it's truly a healing experience. I thought about what makes them different, and I think it's because we talk about "ou..
'23-11-03 Pork Gukbap Korea' Soul food I was in college when I first got a taste of pork gukbap, or hot soup with rice. Ever since that day, pork gukbap has become my soul food. A delicious and filling meal for a low price, it meant a lot to poor college student like. Even when my husband and I used to go on dates, we went out for gukbap more often than pasta. And when I don't have time to cook a proper meal, I just get gukbap to go...
23-11-02 My Father's back Our dad served in goverment for over 30 years before he called it a career. He was born as the eldest of seven siblings and couldn't pursues the studies he wanted. He entered the job market early to support his family, including his younger siblings. Dad's own desires always took a backseat throughout his life, and he lived a life of sacrifices for the family. Until the day of his retirement, he..
23-11-01 AI Services in the Future Many of us were blown away when we withnessed an AI called AlphaGO defeat humans in the game of Go back in 2016. AI has continued to make strides since then, and we now live in an era where we can engage in conversation with AI chatbots in real time. These chatbots can also be used to draw up documents like academic papers. This has led to some countries introducing rules that prohibit the use o..
매일영어필사 - Occupational Diseases 9월 20일 Occupational Diseases I am a high school Korean language teacher. I have a few sympotoms that you could consider occupational diseases. Firstly, if I see a spelling mistake and leave it uncorrected, it feels like an itch I can't bear. Of course, being a Korean language teacher doesn't mean I know how to spell everything perfectly. Whenever I get confused with spelling. I always look it up..
매일영어필사 - Friends with Developmental Disabilities When I was in kindergarten, there was a friend with a developmental disability. That friend couldn't speak well and had difficulty understanding what others were saying. It always got me down that that friend couldn't easily play and interact with the others. However, I couldn't support that friend because I didn't know what to do. It has been several years since we parted ways, but sometimes I ..
매일 영어 필사 - Being job interview 230917 Being job interview. I joined our company in 2004, and I became a leader of purcharging department this year. One of the most memorable experience upon becoming a leader was acting as job interviewer. Our department had vacant positions, so we needed to fill them through ad hoc recruiting. Around 200 people applied for a job, and the HR department selected 8 candidates from the final inte..