오픽노잼 책 1권의 내용은 거의 IM 시리즈 정리인 것 같다.
IM) Rule 꼭 기억해야 한다.
1) Never ask Ava a question (에바에게 질문하지 말것)
- If you must, ask a rhetorical question (수사적 질문)
2) Do not use difficult words that you are uncomfortable with (안편한 어려운 단어 쓰지 마라)
- Just use simple words, you are totally confident in using.
3) Try not to repeat the same word in the same sentence. (같은 문장이나 단어 반복하지 마라)
4) Don't use 2 descriptive or feeling words using "and"
5) Talk about one thing and one thing only (1가지 주제로 이야기 해라)
Q) I would like to knwo where you live
- Describe your home
- What does it look like?
- How may rooms does it have?
- Give me a description with lots of details.
Wow Ava. That is a good question for me. I like showing off my place whenever I can. I live in a 3 bedroom apartment with my family. you know.. My favorite room is my bedroom. I am using my bedroom as a study. My study has a huge book shelf, a big desk and a excellent desktop and a comfortable bed as well.
The reason why I like my study the most is that I can wind down and relax in the study. Relaxing in there makes me feel so comfortable, I felt cozy, my stress is relived. I can do everything in my study. you know.. I can watch movies and play a PC game with my excellent desktop computer. Oh, It's a perfect place in my house. Whenever I try to concentrate on something my study is the best place in my house,
You know, overall.. I love~ my own bedroom so ~ much.
IM2) Control singularity
1) 질문 1%씩 대답 하고, 하나 질문에만 집중해라
2) Rule # 6 - IF you get nervous and have nothing to say, go right to the conclusion.
3) Habit Strategy Quick Comparison
ex) I never did this before, but nowdays I just love doing this. I just can't explain it
이건 Habit type
Q) What is your normal routine at home?
- what things do you usually do on weekdays and what kind of things do u do on weeknds?
A) well, my normal routine.. I think I don't do much time on weekdays because I mostly spend my time at work. What am I trying to say.. I am rarely home. But instead, I try to do a lot on weekend like playing a tennis, reading a book and jogging, something like that. Among them, I enjoy playing tennis the most. I really love it. Actually I played tennis two times a week. On Saturday morning, I take a lesson at the indoor tennis court for about 1 hours. After finishing the tennis lesson, I go out playing a tennis ouside. Tennis makes me feel alive, I played a tennis whenever I can, which is very nice. I would say... I never really did before, but nowdays, I just love doing this so much. I can't explain why I love it so much. Anyway, I focus on enjoying a tennis on weekend.
IM3) Rule # 7 Make "honest excuses" later. Not in the begging
이건 Comparision Type
- Pure present가 포커스
- MP present -> past -> present -> conclusion
Describe the home you lived in as a child. How was that home different from home you live in now?
- I live a 3 bed room apartment with my family in the city. I would say it's pretty good, It may be about 100 square meters. what am I trying to say .. I really like living in my apartment, which is very convenient in all respects.
When I was a young, I lived a house with a yard. In the yard, I enjoyed playing soccer, basket ball with my younger brother. Sometimes, my father barbequed in the yard when the weather was nice.
I have a good memroies about my house that I lived in but the house is very far away from city. It means that is far from various convinences facilities such as hospitals and universities. I would say It was so in-convienient to go to some facilities.
Now, as I told you, I am living in a city near Seoul. So all of things is very close to my place. I think that my location is good.
If there is a problem with my health, I can go to the hospital under 10 min.
I would have to say, living in an apartment now is very fantastic and convenient.
IM4) 처음들을때 멀 물어 보는지, 어떤 카테고리인지 파악
두번째는 전략 생각, Past Experience MP->Direct Qutation-> Conclusion
You indicated in the survey that you stay at home for vacations
- who are the people you would like to see and spend time with on your vacation?
I really want to see my friends on my vacation. I mean, because I am very busy during working day, what am I trying to say.... I don't even have enough time to meet my friends. Spending my vacation at home is important. Spending time with friends seems to be the best vacation.
On vacation, the first thing that I want to do is to enjoy playing a PC game. you know, We really like to play "starcraft" which is a game that is the most popular game in the world. We have been enjoying the PC game since we entered university. The next thing that I want to do is to drink a beer and wine and talk about when we were a kids.
What am I trying to say is, spending time with my friends makes me feel so energized and fresh. I never do this nowdays because I have a lot of work to do. If I could have a vacation at home, there are so many things that I really want to do with my friends.
IM5) Past Experience.
Q) Problem at the beach
Problem at the beach well, ok , Let me tell you about a problem of me "letting it rip" in front of my wife at the beach. It was one of the most embarrassing things I had to go through, right? We were in Madives and we were finding a nice spot at the beach as I was bending over to pick up something. um you know something came out. And my wife was laughing so hard. and you know the way she was laughing, I was just so embarrassed. I started to laugh too of course. I couldn't belive that happened yo know? Like it was so loud. We were outsid at the beach. And yet, it was as clear as day. I could never forget that moment. So basically whenever we go to any beach, my wife always remind me of this story.
IM6) Description - MP를 먼저 말하라
I gotta say: 이거 진심인데, 이거는 이야기 해야해
You know, I gotta say
What I really love about my home is my study
It is so spacious.
you know, my home is not all that big.
but you know, it is not all that small either
But none of that really matters I guess cos I love how big study is
IM7) Description의 Main Point 만들기
Fashion People -> Me
What do people usually wear in your country?
What's the fashion like in your country?
- You know, I gotta say, What I really hate about fashion here in Korea is that People tend to only wear safe colors. I find it (think) quite boring.
you see, for me, I try not to follow those trends. I try to wear more colorful clothing ( I try to be as colorful as possbile). I guess, you can say, I like to stand out (나는 눈에 띄는거 좋아해요).
Tell me about your funiture at home.
What I really find interesting about my work desk is that it's is only dark funiture I have at home. It's completely black and totally stands out in my living room.
it's funny cos all my other funiture is all light in color
IM 8) Habit
What do you usually do whenever you go to the bank?
Well... here the thing...No matter what,
Whenever I go to the bank, I always make sure to bring a book to read. you know, this is very crucial because the waiting time always is so long whenever I get there. During waiting time, I read a book that I bring. I woud say .. It helps me to kill time.
Actually, in the past, I never did this before even though wating time is so long. But now, As you can imagine, the problem was completely solved.
Moreover, sometimes, I want the waiting time to be longer whenever I go to the bank because I really like reading a book.
Even if (비록 ~더라도, 사실일지라도) / Even though (비록 ~ 이지만 = 사실이지만)
Well, here's thing.
No matter what. whenever I go to the bank, I always make sure to bring my aripods.
You know, this is very crucial because sometime waiting time is just so long. And so whenever I am listening to music. It is really helps me to kill time. But, you see, in the past, I never did that before. So the waiting time was just so long. But now, you know, the problem is completely solved.
And that is why. you know. sometimes. whenever I go to the bank, I sometimes want the waiting to be longer
No matter what. whenever I go to the beach, I always make sure to bring my suncreen.
No matter what. whenever I am hom during the week, I always make sure to take out the recycling.
2) Every time I go to the bank. I always check to see if I have my airpod with me.
3) I tell you what. At the bank, I take out my airpods.
This is crucial because, you know, whenver I'am at teh bank, u know, the wating time can be quite long.
IM9) Habit
No matter what, 머하는 지 설명 - 나한테는 중요하다. - 프리 스타일 - 퀵 컴패리슨
1) Transportation
No matter what, whenever I need to go somewhere, I always prefer to take a public transit like "subway or bus". This is crucial. It is quite rare for me to take other options. I love reading a book while taking the public transit. I think I can read more than 5 books a month in public transporation. Reading a book makes me more better person. In the past, I never did before, but now, I love this cos it helps me kill time while I am commuting.
No matter what, whenever I need to go somewhere, I always take the "subway or bus". This is crucial. It is quite rare for me to take other options. I love "how" I can read something while taking the public transit.
It is only time I can actually read. It is interesting cos I've never liked reading before. I still don't, but I love how it help me to kill time especically while I am commuting
What I really love about = I love "how"
2) Recycling (분리수거)
Every time I need to recycle, I always check to see if all the cans and plastic bottles are crushed to save space.
This is very important it's really rare for me to forget to check.
I am quite to lazy so I hate having to recycle if I don't have to
I take out the recycling only when my bin are full to the max.
It's interesting cos I had to recycle nearly every day before.
But now, with my new method of crushing everything. I recycle every to week.
3) Appointment
1. I'll tell you what, I always make a hair appointment pretty much every month
2. I find this very important, It is rare for me to skip hair-cut
of course, I make other appointments as well in my life, but this one is the most important to me. My hair is always messy, so I need it to be well maintained. It is interesting cos I never cared about my hair before.
But these days, I feel that my hair gives me confidence.
IM10) 과거 경험 (Past Experience) - Direct Quatation
I was like, She was like,
What was your farvorite pub in the past?
IM 11) 필러
right (그렇잖아), You know (그런게 있잖아)
IM 12) Comparison
1) 시간 비교
2) non- time 비교
MP (현재) - 과거 - 현재 - 결론
IM 13) 스크립트 냄새
IM 14) 시험 전 보는 영상
집, 까페, 바에 대서 Describe 하라.
설명 - 왜 그렇게 느끼는지 - 왜 그렇게 느끼는지
내방은 크다, 나는 이게 너무 좋다. 왜냐면 난 작은방을 싫어한다. 방이 작으면 다른 사람을 초대 못하니까 그 이유때문에 난 큰방이 좋다 언제든 친구들을 초대 할 수 있어서
GMP - No matter what, Whenever ~ , I always make sure to bring
how did your music perference change from past till now?
Now, I like listening a Jazz music.
IM 15) Survey
IM 16)
Severe weather condition can do a lot of damage.
Tell me about an experience you had related to severe weather condition.
A) Well... I think this is a tough question.. you know I am talking about my story related to severe weather condition that I experienced...
A long time ago.. I mean, When I was young, A strong typhoon impacted Korea which is my home country. At that time, I lived in small town in the country side, you know, that day, It had been a raining heavily all day, It wouldn't stop. there was a lot of water collecting around our family home my town got flooded and there was a power shortage.
I was getting scared because I was a young boy. My father told me, " Derek, don't be scared, The typhoon will disappear soon"
I believed what he said but I was still scared and I was not able to sleep because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to go to school.
However, next day, to my suprise it had seemed like the ype had neve r been there and the weather was calm and peaceful again.
The sky was clear.
Even today, on rainy days, I still remember the severe typhoon that day.
IM17) Talk about one of the rising indstury or company in your country.
I think that DH Electronics is one of the most rising companies in the worId. I already told you that I have been working at DH in my introduction. I would say, I am very proud to answer this question!!
Many people know that DH is a company that makes mobile phones and appliances like television and refrigerators. However, DH is the number one semi-conductor company, which prouduces memory or soc (system-on-chip)
DH is developing not only semiconductors, cell-phones and appliances but also Future technology.
My job is an SW Engineer in DH. My target is to secure an Future technolgy by 2028. The technology that I will develope will become the brain of SOC unit in a robot
I would say, DH will keep the number one company in the future.
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