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매일 영어 필사 - Being job interview 230917 Being job interview. I joined our company in 2004, and I became a leader of purcharging department this year. One of the most memorable experience upon becoming a leader was acting as job interviewer. Our department had vacant positions, so we needed to fill them through ad hoc recruiting. Around 200 people applied for a job, and the HR department selected 8 candidates from the final inte..
동탄 돈까스 핫플레이스 뜨돈에 다녀옴 일요일 아침 느긋히 일어나서, 어디를 갈까 고민하다가, 돈까스가 맛있다고 하는 뜨돈에 다녀 왔다. 상가에서 살짝 벗어난 곳에 있긴하지만, 차를 타고 가면 주차를 하기는 쉽다. https://naver.me/FiEpo9rU 뜨돈 동탄본점 : 네이버 방문자리뷰 597 · 블로그리뷰 220 m.place.naver.com 요즘 동탄에 생기는 가게들이 다 입구가 힙하다. 아주 깔끔함. 일요일 점심 식사 시간 지나서 갔는데, 대기를 해야 했다. 대기를 하는 동안 메뉴판을 들고 차 안에 앉아서 메뉴를 훑어 봤다. 돈까스가 주력이지만 여러 메뉴가 많았다. 파스타류와 떡복이.. 다양한 메뉴가 있었다.이때까지만 해도 떡볶이를 왜 같이 파는지 몰랐다. 샐러드 종류와 덮밥류도 팔았다. 안에 들어가 보니, 태블릿으로 메뉴를..
매일 영어 필사 - Self-filed e-litigaiton 230914 Self-filed e-litigation I recently filed a lawsuit by my self against someone who had gone back on a promise. It was a compensation claim. After 5 months, I finally won the case. The lawsuit was by no means a pleasant experience, but I was able to handle the entire process with out a lawyer because the evidence was clear. while learing about the procedures of the lawsuit, I came across th..
Think 와 Think of의 차이 "Think"와 "think of"의 차이를 다시 설명하고, 각각 예문을 살펴 보겠습니다. Think (생각하다): "Think"는 무엇을 머릿속에 생각하거나 판단할 때 사용됩니다. I think we should leave early to avoid traffic. (우리는 교통체증을 피하기 위해 일찍 떠나는 것이 좋다고 생각해.) He thinks that learning a new language is a great challenge. (그는 새로운 언어를 배우는 것은 큰 도전이라고 생각해.) They think it's important to spend quality time with family. (그들은 가족과 질 좋은 시간을 보내는 것이 중요하다고 생각해.) Think of (생각하다, 떠올..
매일 영어 필사 - "입트영" Part of my life "입트영" Part of my life Listening to "입트영" not only helps me study English, but also allows me to catch a glimpse of the lives of others who write in with their stories. It often warms my heart. However, "입트영" can also promote spending. The show recently covered the topic of dishwashers. My wife and I immediately selected a model that very day, and we are on the verge of buying it. On the day when..
매일 영어 필사 - Observing Summer Swallows Observing Summer Swallows When early June rolls around, you can start to observe baby swallows. The baby swallow are so adorable, as they eagerly await the return of their mother with their mouths wide open. The mother swallow will keep circling in the sky and won't come down if there are people nearby, so you need to observe them very quietly. I observed the birds with bated breath, now wanting..
매일 영어 필사 - Book Concerts Book Concerts A book concert refers to a sort of talk show that combines discussions about books and live music. A this kind of event, you can hear the author's sincere life stories and the untold stories that couldn't be fully described in the book. Even if you found a book uninteresting, hearing the author firsthand can spark your interest again. On the other hand, if you throughtly enjoyed re..
매일영어필사 - Scenes at a Carwash Scenes at a Carwash One day, I was riding shotgun in my friend's car when we passed by a dump truck and it splashed mud onto the car. we had just eaten lunch, so we decided to go to a self-service carwash to clean ther car and digest our meal. We used elbow grease to enthusiatically wash the car, which hadn't been properly cleaned for a long time. Then, as we looked around, we noticed that every..