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매일 영어 필사 - Being job interview


230917 Being job interview.

I joined our company in 2004, and I became a leader of purcharging department this year. One of the most memorable experience upon becoming a leader was acting as job interviewer. Our department had vacant positions, so we needed to fill them through ad hoc recruiting.

Around 200 people applied for a job, and the HR department selected 8 candidates from the final interviews, and that's when I became an interviewer. It brought back memories of my own job interview 19 years ago, and I felt a lot of pressure as I realized I woud be deciding on an important memonet in their lives. Seeing their earnest and nervous faces made me empathize deeply with them.

I hope that all the applicants who went through te interview process wll remmember it without any regrets. and that the final accepted cadidates will quickly take to working at our company.

join a company 입사하다
have a vacant position 공석이 있다.
ad hoc recruiting 수시채요
apply for a job 취업을 지원하다.
through document screening 서류심사를 통해
Bring back momories 기억을 떠올리게 하다
feel a lot of pressure 부담을 느끼다. 긴장하다
an important moment in one's life 인생에서 중요한 순간
empathize deeply with ~에 매우 공감하다
go through the interview process 면접 절차를 거치다
without any regrets 후회 없이
quickly take to 금세 적응하다.
