I have various social gatherings in my life. All the people there are important to me, but there are a few who especially brighten up my day when I meet them Our kids are around the same age, so we do meet together sometimes. But now days, we mainly spend time just among us, and it's truly a healing experience.
I thought about what makes them different, and I think it's because we talk about "ourselves" rather than discussing other people. Everyone is very empathetic towords each other. One friend in paricular asks good questions. Another friend majored in couseling, so she can get a read on things that never occurred to us. Our yougest friend loves learning, which gives us motivation.
Through our conversation, I can reflect on aspects of myself that I didn't know, The comfort and encourgement I receive warms my heart. Despite being younger than me, I have a lot to learn from my friends. I hope these precious relationships last for a long, long time.
social gathering 사적인 모임
brighten up someone's day ~의 기분이 좋아지게 하다
be around the same age 나이가 비슷하다
just among someone ~끼리만
What makes someone different ~의 다른점
empathetic towards ~에게 공감하는
Major in ~을 전공하다
Get a read on ~을 읽어내다, 파악하다
Never occure to 전혀 생각이 들지 않다
Give someone motivation ~동기 부여를 하다
Reflect on aspects of oneself ~자신의 면모를 성찰하다
Warm someone's heart ~의 마을을 따뜻하게 하다
Have a lot to learn from ~으로부터 배울점이 많다
Precious relationships 소중한 인연