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매일영어필사 - Digital Pianos for Hobbyists


Digital Pianos for Hobbyists


I took the plunge on an electronics piano this year. Having Played it, It has many advantages over a traditional piano. When I connect headphones to the electronic piano, only I can hear it. So, I can practice whenever I want, whether it's early in the morning or late at night. In homes where soundproofing measures cannot be installed, the electronic piano is a great alternative that enables you to play without making a sound.


What's more, I can record my performances with just a press of a button. I can even adjust the sound of the piano. Back when I was young, I used to spend 500 won to buy sheet music for various songs at a music store. Now, I can buy music books at bookstores. I hope to practice diligently so that I can play more versions of my favorite songs next year.


Take the plunge on 큰맘 먹고 ~을 구입하다.

have many advantages over ~대비 장점이 많다.

whenever one wants 원한다면 아무때나

early in the morning 아침 일찍

late at night 밤 늦게

soundproofing measure 방음조치

without making sound 아무런 소리도 내지 않고

with just a press of a button 단추를 누르는 것 만으로 

adjust the sound 소리를 조절하다.

back when someone was young 과거 어린 시절에 

sheet music 악보

practice diligently 꾸준히 연습하다.


EMF Are Everywhere: I'm Pretty Sure I Have EHS


A. Antonia, you don't look so good. What's wrong?

B. I'am pretty sure I have EHS. That's electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

A. You mean, that thing where electorics give you headaches and disrupt your sleep? Scientists and doctors are divided over whether or not it's a real thing

A. Take it from me, it's a real thing. I had to sell mycrowave because I got a migraine every time I used it.

B. Well with the added cell tower for the 5G network, It's going to get worse.

A. I think we've reached a tipping point.




