We've all seen those young, attractive people on social media promoting their favorite fashion brands, accessaries, electroincs, makup, and more. These influencers help decide what is in style and what people will spend their money on.
Now, there's a growing group of "deinfluencers" whose mission is to convince you to Not spend money on products you don't need. Their message is that we should make do with the things we have and save our money for the future. One media analyst said they use their average looks and since manner to install trust in their followers. Others say "defluencers" are just influencers with a different opinion.
우리 모두는 젊고, 매력적인 사람이 소셜미디어에서 그들이 좋아하는 패션 브랜드, 악세사리, 전자기기 , 화장품 등을 홍보하는 것을 보았다. 이러한 인플루언서들은 무엇이 유행할지, 사람들이 무엇에 돈을 쓸 지 결정하도록 돕습니다. 이제 필요하지 않은 제품에 돈을 쓰지 않도록 설득하는 사명을 가진 디인플루언서 그룹이 증가하고 있습니다. 그들의 메세지는 우리는 우리가 가지고 있는 것들로 견뎌 내야 하고, 미래를 위해 돈을 저축해야 한다는 것입니다. 한 미디어 분석가는 그들이 팔로워들에게 신뢰를 심어 주기 위해, 평범한 외모와 진심 어린 태도를 활용한다고 말했습니다. 디인플루언서는 단지 다른 의견을 가진 인플루언서 일 뿐이라고 말하는 사람도 있습니다.
in style: popular and fashionable 유행을 따르는
A) What do you think of my new hairstyle?
B) Bob cuts aren't in style anymore. You should go back to hairdresser
I don't buy clothes for my girlfriend because I never know what's in style.
make do with something: to manage to do something with what is available. (만족스럽지는 않지만) ~으로 견디다 (때우다)
A) Mom, can I get a new smart phone?
B) Sorry but you will have to make do with the one you have for a while.
The grocery strore was closed, so I had to make do with what I had in the fridge.
install something in someone: to impress something into someone's mind. ~에게 ~을 스며 들게 하다.
A) Your kids are so well-mannered. What's your secret?
B) I've always tried to instill in them respect for other people.
The salesman managed to instill trust in his customers through his kind personalilty.