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23-09-01 매일 영어 필사 - 10 Years of Donations / Yard Sale Flipping


10 Years of Donations 


A year after our marrige, my husand's health took a downturn, and he had to leave his jobs. Our financial situation became increasingly difficult. My busband had no choice but to start work as a substitute driver.

There were days when he finished work after bus service was suspended, and he had to walk three hours to get home.


Sitting next to our sleeping child as we talked on the phone while he walked through the dark streets, and we broke into tears. Then things got a little better, we immediately put into action our plan to donate to charity. Our household finances were tough, but we have never given any thought to stopping our donations.


A few days ago, we received a letter from a charitable organization in our mailbox. It expressed gratitude for our donations over the past ten years, and contained drawings made by the children who received our help.

My heart welled up, We will continue to make our donations in the years to come.


took a downturn: 악화 되다.

leave his jobs: 직업을 그만두다.

became increasingly difficult: 점점 어려워지다.

had no choice but: ~할 수 밖에 없다. 

substitute driver: 대리 운전 기사 

bus service was suspended: 버스가 끊긴 후 

broke into tears: 눈물을 터뜨리다.

things got a little better:  상황이 좀 나아지다.

put into action: 실행에 옮기다.

household finances: 가정살림, 가정형편

never given any thought : ~을 전혀 고려하지 않다.

charitable organization: 자선 단체

My heart welled up: 마음이 벅차다

in the years to come: 향후에 

Yard Sale Flipping

A. Thanks for bring me yard sale flipping with you. It sounds prettry interesting 마당 세일플리핑에 데려 와줘서 고마워, 꽤 흥미롭게 들린다.

B. I am glad you think so because I love doing this on the side. 그렇게 생각해줘서 기쁘네. 왜냐하면 난 부업으로 이것을하는 것을 좋아하거든

A. Can you explain how you make money at this? 네가 이걸로 어떻게 돈을 버는지 설명 해 줘

B. Sure. I find collectibles that are in demand, and I buy them at yard sales. Then I sell them online for more money. 물론이지 난 수요가 많은 물건을 찾아서 마당 세일에서 구입해. 그런 다음 온라인으로 돈을 더 받고 판매하지

A. You make it sound so easy. Why isn't everybody doing it? 네말을 들으니 쉬워 보인다. 왜 다들 안하고 있는 거지?

B. I think a lot of people get their feet wet at it then decide they'd rather do something else on the weekends. 

많은 사람들이 발을 들이고 나서는 주말에 차라리 다른 것을 하기로 결정하는 것 같다.


on the side: In addition to one;s main job or activity

in demand: desired by many people

get one's feet wet: to try or start someting







