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23-08-22 매일 영어 필사 - Tune in Before You Turn on


Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them suprise you with their results -George S. Patton

You can't motivate someone who can't hear you. 

If what you're saying is bouncing off their psychological armor, it makes little difference how good you are at saying it.


You are not being heard.


Your people have to hear you to be moved by you.

In order for someone to hear you, she must first be heard. It doesn't work the other way around. It doesn't work when you always go first. Because your employee must first appreciate that you are on her wavelength and understand her thinking completely. As leadership guru Warren Bennis has said: The first rule in any kind of coaching is that the coach has to engage in deep listening. Which means that the coach must relate to the context in which the "other" is reasoning - they must "tune in" to where the otehr is coming from. In short, perhaps the basis of leadership is the capacity of the leader to change the mindset, the framework of the other That's not easy, as I needn't tell you for most of us, thinking that we have tuned into the other person, usually we are listening most intently to ourselves. 

We were working with a financial services CEO named Lance who had difficulties with his four woman major account team. They didn't care for him and didn't trust him and dreaded every meeting with him as he would go over their shortcomings.


Lance was at his wit;s end and asked for coaching.

"Meet with each of them one at a time: we advised.

"What do I say?"

"Say nothing. Just listen"

"Listen to what?"

"The person across from you"

"What's my agenda?"

"No. agenda"

"What do I ask them?"

"How is life? How is life for you in this company? What would you change?"

"Then what?"

"Then just listen"

"I don't know if I could do that."

The source of his major account team's low morale had just been identified. The rest was up to Lance.


사람들에게 어떻게 하는지 알려주지 말고, 무엇을 해야 하는지 말하고 그들이 결과로 당신을 놀라게 하게 두십시오. - 조지 S. 패튼

들을 수 없는 사람을 동기부여할 수 없습니다.

당신이 말하고 있는 내용이 그들의 심리적 방어막을 튕겨나가면, 얼마나 잘 이야기하던 간에 별 차이가 없습니다.

당신은 들리지 않습니다. 사람들이 당신의 말을 듣고 감동받으려면 당신의 말을 들어야 합니다.

누군가에게 듣기 위해서는, 그녀가 먼저 들려주어야 합니다. 그 반대로 작동하지 않습니다. 


항상 먼저 가는 것은 작동하지 않습니다. 왜냐하면 당신의 직원은 우선 여자의 파장에 맞추고 그녀의 생각을 완전히 이해해야 하기 때문입니다. 


리더십 전문가 워렌 베니스가 말한 대로 어떤 종류의 코칭이건 첫 번째 규칙은 코치가 깊이 있는 듣기에 참여해야 한다는 것입니다. 즉, 코치는 "다른 사람"의 추론 맥락에 관련을 가져야 합니다 - 그들은 다른 사람이 어디서 오는지에 "조율"해야 합니다. 간단히 말해서, 리더십의 기초는 리더가 다른 사람의 마음가짐, 프레임워크를 변화시킬 수 있는 능력입니다. 그것은 쉽지 않습니다. 말하지 않아도 알겠지만 대부분의 경우, 우리는 상대방에게 조율되었다고 생각하더라도 우리는 대부분 우리 자신을 가장 신경 쓰고 듣고 있습니다.

우리는 금융 서비스 CEO인 랜스와 함께 일하고 있었는데, 그는 그의 네 명의 주요 계정 팀과 어려움을 겪고 있었습니다. 그들은 그를 좋아하지 않았고 그를 신뢰하지 않았으며 그의 모든 회의를 곤경에 빠뜨렸습니다. 그는 그들의 결점을 반복하며 매 회의에서 지치고 심란해했습니다.

랜스는 자신의 한계에 닥쳐 코칭을 요청했습니다.

"각자를 한 번에 만나보세요: 우리가 조언했습니다.

"무엇을 말해야 하죠?"

"아무 말도 하지 마세요. 그냥 들어보세요."

"무엇을 듣나요?"

"마주 앉은 사람."

"제 계획은 뭐에요?"

"계획 없어요."

"그들에게 뭐라고 물어봐야 하죠?"

"얼마나 살아있나요? 이 회사에서 어떤 생활을 하고 있나요? 무엇을 바꾸고 싶나요?"

"그럼 뭐죠?"

"그럼 그냥 들어보세요."

"저는 그게 가능한지 모르겠어요."

그의 주요 계정 팀의 낮은 사기의 근원이 방금 확인되었습니다. 나머지는 그에게 달려있습니다.
