식재료 - 과일 견과류
pear | 배 The apple we eat in the moring is very good for health |
mandarin | 감귤 |
persimmon | 감 You can make dried persimmons at home |
apricot | 살구 |
plum | 자두 |
grapefruit | 자몽 Orange and grapefruit look alike |
pomegranate | 석류 Pmegranates contain a lot of female hormones. |
fig | 무화과 |
jujube | 대추 |
rasin | 건포도 |
chestnut | 밤 |
walnut | 호두 Eating walnuts every day is good for your health |
pinenut | 잣 Are pinenut beans? |