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매일 영어 필사 - Observing Summer Swallows


Observing Summer Swallows

When early June rolls around, you can start to observe baby swallows. The baby swallow are so adorable, as they eagerly await the return of their mother with their mouths wide open. The mother swallow will keep circling in the sky and won't come down if there are people nearby, so you need to observe them very quietly.

I observed the birds with bated breath, now wanting to miss the moment when the mother desended in a flash, fed the babies, and took off again. It is saidthat a mother swallow brings food to her babies about 300 times day.

Swallows build their nests under the roofs of houses or in suitable places on buildings where people live. They have a strong homing instinct and will usually make their way back to the village where they nested the previous year.

early jun rolls around 6월 초가 돌아오다
eagerly await the return of ~돌아오기를 간절히 기다리
with one's mouth wide open 입을 쩍벌린채
keep circling 계속 맴돌다
there are people nearby 주변에 사람들이 있다.
with bated breath 숨을 죽이고
miss the moment when ~하는 순간을 놓치다.
In a flash 쏜살같이, 순식간에
take off 날아가다, 이륙하다
in a suitable place 적절한 곳에
have a strong homing instincet 귀소성이 강하다.
Make one's way back to ~로 되찾아가다.
