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매일 영어 필사 - Lower Back MRI


Lower Back MRI

Oneday, I started getting severe lower back pain, I went to the hospital and took the presrcribed medication, but the pain didn't improve. The doctor suggested being hospitalized for a day and getting an MRI scan for my lower back. It was my first-ever MRI scan, so I was very nervous.

The technician asked if suffered frormclaustrophobia. I did have some light symptoms, but I just replied that I didn't and squeezed my eyes shut as soon as I lay down. The examination began, and I was so nervous that I Involuntarily shook my legs. I heard the technician telling me to cut it out. After 20 to 30 minutes, I was allowed t get out of te machine.

The next day, I received the test results and was diagnosed with a herniated disc in my back. Now, I am searching online for exercise that are good for the back and doing them every day without fail.

lower back pain 요통, 허리 통증
take the prescribed medication 처방 받을 약을 복용하다.
be hospitalized for a day 하루간 입원하다
get an MRI scan MRI 검사를 받다
one's first ever 처음으로 경험하는
suffer from claustrophobia 폐쇄 공포증이 있다.
have some light symptoms 약간의 증상이 있다.
squeeze one's eyes shut 눈을 꼭 감다
Involuntarily shake one's legs 무의식적으로 다리를 떨다
cut it out 행동을 멈추다
be diagonised with ~ 진단을 받다
herniated disc in one's back 허리 디스크
exercices that are good for the back 허리에 좋은 운동
every day without fail 매일매일 빠짐없이.
